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rate of failure中文是什么意思

用"rate of failure"造句"rate of failure"怎么读"rate of failure" in a sentence


  • 失败率


  • The result from the demonstration research indicates the rate of failure in m & a is very high
  • Also there is no difference in the rate of failure to thrive or delayed developmental milestones
  • Although this is an obvious statement , the current focus on success stories makes the rate of failure impossible to determine
  • But the new businesses high rate of failure “ myth ” may be caused by the notion that all those that close are failures , according to gem
    不过, 《全球创业观察》指出,新公司的高失败率“神话”也许是由这样一种观念导致的:即关闭的就是失败。
  • The surge of merging activities of the present world have seen a high rate of failure , one mean reason for which is that the corporate management fail to appropriately settle the human resource problem after merging
  • Merger and acquisition brings forth a series of influences and consequences on the company and the national economy as well . the surge of merging activities of the present world has seen a high rate of failure , one main reason for which is that the corporate management fail to understand the corporate culture of the targeted company before the merger takes place and that there is a lack of consideration for the post - merger cultural integration
  • Process management ( pm ) is implemented by many enterprises in order to win the competing privilege currently . but the rate of failure in pm is remains remarkably high . the main reason for this phenomenon is short of effective support software system and / or evaluation tool / method for pm
  • Recently , m & as flourishes in home and abroad , but the rate of failure is very high , most of which is caused by the lack of synergy or the limited synergy . especially in china , the phenomenon of diversifying blindly , listing by buying shell , pursuing the hotness of industry or restructuring inveraciously is fairly common
用"rate of failure"造句  


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